An Introduction of Net_Diff

Net_Diff is a software for GNSS Download, Positioning and Analysis.

It enables users to perform SPP/PPP/PPP-AR/DSPP/DPPP/RTK/PPP-RTK. All the signals of the current GPS/GLONASS/BeiDou/Galileo/QZSS/IRNSS are supported from single-frequency to triple-frequency. It can also be applied in SPP/PPP with BeiDou augmentation information (authorized user).

It supports data analysis, including coordinate plotting, coordinate comparison, satellite number, PDOP, satellite skyview, satellite visibility, cycleslip, troposphere, ionosphere, observation minus correction, positioning residuals plotting and KML file writing.

It provides GNS observation data and products download from many public FTP servers.

It also provides some useful tools such as time and coordinate system transferring, RTCM data receiving through Ntrip and TCP/IP, raw data converting, RINEX editing, ssr dumping, CLALIB and so on.

It provides a simple satellite orbit simulation.

Moreover, it supports multi-station PPP, clock estimation, DCB estimation based on GNSS net (authorized user).

How to install

  1. Install gzip

    Click gzip-1.3.12-1-setup.exe and install gzip.

    For example, after install it, gzip.exe is under C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\

  2. Install Net_Diff

    a) If you have installed MATLAB R2017a or MATLAB Runtime version 9.2 (R2017a) on your computer.

    Open /for_redistribution_files_only/ and click Net_Diff.exe

    b) If not.

    Open /for_redistribution/ and click Net_Diff_Installer_web.exe to install MATLAB Runtime and Net_Diff.exe

    Please keep your computer connected to internet while installing.

    It will take a few minutes to download MATLAB Runtime, please be patient.

    If error occurs in downloading MATLAB Runtime 9.2, please download or update it by hand from:

    As space is not allowed for the directory of EOP file, so please do not install Net_Diff under a directory that contains space, such as C:\Program Files. After finish installing, you can find the execute file from the installed program directory, for example C:\Net_Diff\application.

    1. Set environment variables

    This step is to automatically unzip the downloaded file and convert the crx file to rinex file if you want to download or update files in Net_Diff.

    To do this, please add the path of gzip.exe (C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin) and crx2rnx.exe (C:\Net_Diff\application) to the PATH of system environment variables on your computer:

    My computer–>Properties–>Advanced system setting–>Environment variables–>Edit the PATH environment variable–>Add path

    If you have problems in setting the environment variables, you can simply copy C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\gzip.exe to C:\Net_Diff\application and run Net_Diff from C:\Net_Diff\ application.

    When running Net_Diff from the Windows Start or the Desktop, you should also copy C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\gzip.exe and C:\Net_Diff\application\crx2rnx.exe to the folder of C:\Windows\System32 or Desktop.


    1. If you run Net_Diff from the Windows Start or Desktop, please select the correct directory of the EOP file, Ant File and GLO%Leap file in the Input folder (C:\Net_Diff\application\Input) every time. Therefore, it is recommended to run Net_Diff from the execute file (You can also copy the folder of C:\Net_Diff\application to any other directories).
    1. If the directory of Net_Diff.exe is not allowed to write files, try to run Net_Diff.exe from the administrator.
    1. When updating Net_Diff, you only need to copy the updated files in for_redistribution_files_only/ to C:\ Net_Diff\application.
    1. As for the use of Net_Diff, please refer to the help document *”A guide to use Net_Diff.pdf”*.
    1. The document *”A Comparison of Net_Diff and RTKLIB.pdf”* compares the performance of Net_Diff and RTKLIB for a better understanding of Net_Diff.
    1. Source code is under the src branch.

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